Thursday, October 18, 2018

How the 2018 Mayoral race will turn out

I don't know why Rod Clark is running for Mayor a third time but he makes it likely that Linda Buchanan will win and he will be off Council. The turnout will be down.

33%   BUCHANAN, Linda

30%   HEYWOOD, Guy
20%   CLARK, Rod
13%   MORRIS, Kerry
3%   WILLCOCK, Michael
1%   AZAM,Payam

Kerry Morris arrested at Telus in 2009

 A Vancouver man who accidentally overpaid his phone bill by $700 finally got his money back but not before being arrested in Burnaby, BC.
Kerry Morris said he tried to get his money back from the phone company after inadvertently writing a cheque for more than he owed. Morris' troubles started in September 2009 when he wrote Telus a cheque more than what he owed.

My bet is that Kerry tried paying his bill but was too drunk to do it right. After being told to wait a few days, he got drunk and angry and drove(drunk) to Burnaby and threatened staff to get his money back RIGHT NOW. Of course he was arrested yet again.

Guess that intent failed

But I'm in North Van until the 24th and win go to City Hall on Saturday to see the results and watch my friends win and my enemies go down to inglorious defeat!