Friday, November 21, 2014

Kerry's post election "Whine"

I want to start by thanking all of you who gave so much of your time to help in my mayoral campaign. I’m not going to name all of you, partly because there were so many, and partly because I would undoubtedly fail to remember someone and feel bad for the error after. You all know who you are. Your help and endless support was in equal parts a motivation and an inspiration to me. I am only sorry that I let you down by failing to win the day.
We ran a positive campaign, focusing on the issues and designing platform solutions that could bring about positive change. We listened to the City’s residents, and they told us quite clearly, even if a Mussatto supporter, that they preferred our platform over Darrell’s.
Many voted for Darrell out of loyalty, some because they did not know me, and others because their unions had directed them to vote for Darrell because he would support ever higher compensation packages for unionized staff. There is also a faction who supported Darrell because of the negative attacks which were levelled on my character calling me “homophobic”, and because of claims that I have a criminal record. Both of these allegations are false!
I believe that every person has a right to chose their sexuality and religious preferences, etc. I believe these are personal rights and that people who would employ these topics as campaign tactics are being disrespectful to the causes they claim to defend. Since these allegation against me became public, I have been contacted by many from the gay and lesbian community, each of whom has made it clear that they did not appreciate Mr. Pringle, Mr Mussatto or the media using them as a tool in what was clearly a politically motivated attack upon me.
George Pringle also floated the allegation that I have a criminal conviction resulting from a refusal to provide a breath sample. This allegation is false. I have no criminal record of any kind.
What was not revealed to most in this campaign, is that it was Darrell Mussatto’s campaign manager, Mr. Benjamin Alldritt, an ex-NSNews reporter, who dug up all the homophobic slurs and criminal record dirt on me and provided all of this information to George Pringle. Pringle a non-event in this campaign, was being financed by developer Onni for the sole purpose of being the spoiler. Evidently Darrell’s team knew that throwing the mud would not make him look good so he used George as his shill to do his dirty work.
The City took an active role in subverting our campaign. They allowed Darrell numerous breaches of the Sign Policy, took no action against staff handing out slips of paper containing the names of Darrell’s slate, while standing in City Hall near the advance polling station, and numerous other improprieties. Despite these challenges we came very close to victory. So close Darrell couldn’t even stomach giving the NSNews a winners comment on Election Day after being declared the victor. He simply ran from City Hall, maybe because he was appalled by his own conduct, possibly due to an attack of conscience.
So we lost, but only just, and our near victory is all because of you. Jerri and I, and our kids all thank you. You are the reason we made the effort, and I am proud to have received your support. We must remain vigilant, and we must hold Darrell to his campaign promises. The 2018 campaign for mayor starts NOW!
There are so many lies here, perhaps Kerry has forgotten his own words recorded on TV and kept forever online.  He apologizes and admits his homophobic actions on TV.  He believes that having his court conviction stayed is the same as being declare innocent.  He was convicted of refusing breath sample as he knew he would fail it.  He started to "rag" the puck and cost the government so much that they stayed it, declining to waste any more money on his pathetic drunken hide.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Kerry is caught abusing the homeless

Dear Editor:
As resident of the City of North Vancouver and a volunteer in my local community as well as the Downtown Eastside, I was deeply disturbed when I read the tweet of one of our potential mayors that was posted to Twitter a couple of days ago. Kerry Morris posted a photo of an individual taking shelter next to a sidewalk in a sleeping bag. His caption was: "A few more years of the Mussatto slate and this will be the only affordable housing in North Van City."
I find it disturbing and completely inappropriate that he stood there on the sidewalk, pulled out his camera and took a photo of a vulnerable person as they tried to protect themselves from the cold and rain. The homeless are the most fragile and vulnerable part of our society and we need to protect them, not exploit them. I have always defended our homeless as my uncle struggled to survive on the streets most of his life and, after he passed away, I vouched I'd try my all to make sure others don't have to live like him. This hits close to home for me and I can't imagine how much it would have broken my heart if someone had stood there and snapped a photo of my uncle while he lay there cold and alone. This person is someone's child, someone's sibling and maybe even someone's mother or father. They are a human being! To use this person for some sort of twisted campaign makes my skin crawl. I just couldn't let this slide and I am horrified someone like this is running for mayor of my city. I don't think this man has any empathy for our homeless community and to say something like the residents of the City of North Vancouver will end up on the streets if our current mayor stays in office shouldn't be said so casually.
I wanted to bring this to your attention as you are the voice of the homeless and they do not deserve this kind of public humiliation, (which I believe it to be). I certainly hope this individual didn't see Kerry Morris take this photo.
Kate Black